...before my day of appointments and errands begins!
I've been absent for a few weeks, but I'll be blogging on the regularly again soon.
Thanks for stopping by, and don't forget deep breaths as you navigate the busy holiday season!
...before my day of appointments and errands begins!
I've been absent for a few weeks, but I'll be blogging on the regularly again soon.
Thanks for stopping by, and don't forget deep breaths as you navigate the busy holiday season!
...has been a bit hectic, but so goes the mommy life sometimes. Fevers, coughs, earaches...I didn't know becoming a mom would make me a nurse in practice, but it's all good. Anything for my family!
Between it all, I was able to take Little Brother to the park on our street and get a breath of fresh air. Which was one small reminder that despite it all, life is so good!
Thanks for stopping by!
Well, I have some extra time while I'm visiting Kat...so why not indulge in some extracurricular reading?
Since day one, my dear husband has known that I like to get away. It doesn't have to be far, just meaningful. So this coming weekend, I get to go visit one of my dearest friends ever! It's been over 5 years since we've seen each other (I was pregnant with Big Brother). She moved to Arizona while I lived in Chicago, and this will be my first time visiting her there. It'll also be my first time back to Arizona in almost 15 years. So all in all, it's going to be a wonderful little trip!
And I hope I get a chance to wear almost every item of clothing and accessory that are going along with me. Especially all my amazing Azaya Blue pieces! Do you think I'm over doing it? Wait, there is no such thing for a trip like this...a lady's gotta have options!
One day in the future, I'll once again be able to start reading my magazines on day 1 of each month. For now, all I can do is try. But at least I still manage to start by mid-month.
Reece has always been a favorite of mine, so I look forward to the feature story. And just thinking about what's in store in The Food Issue...my mouth is watering!
Happy Saturday!